The formation will be performed at Intervarsity in its own category, with most universities entering one formation group each. This means that a trophy will go to the formation winners and we are proud to say that we were the 2010 winners. In 2009, we came second; another outstanding achievement. Goes to show how committed we are!
Previous Formations
Having been part of the 2009 and 2010 formation teams, I can speak for both teams when I say that we had a really good time practicing and performing our dances. Learning the formation dance is a frustrating and sometimes difficult endeavour; with countless hours practicing sequences and timing. Being a beginner in the 2009 formation, I found it quite strenuous on my little toes, but had a good time nonetheless. Let me just say, if you keep coming to practises, you will get it sooner than you think.
When the formation finally comes together, it’s a truly great feeling. Not only do you feel a great sense of achievement, but you also start to see how beautiful it looks, with eight or ten couples doing very similar things. You also get to do a few unconventional dance routines which can feel awkward at first, but are usually quite fun.

The 2009 was a straight Viennese Waltz which was performed to the “Harry Potter” theme song. In 2010, we spiced up our routine to include numerous Ballroom-style dances (with a few sassy samba moves thrown in). This was performed to different songs from the “Lion King” soundtrack. This year we will be doing a Latin-style formation, which promises to be very African, very sexy and mountains of fun.
Would you like to do the formation in 2011?
Unlike most other universities, the UCT Ballroom and Latin Dancing Society encourages beginners to compete in the formation. We try to team them up with a dancer from a higher level. Anyone can learn the formation, as long as you are willing to put in the time. Commitment is the biggest thing. We will be practicing at least once a week at first, which will increase just before Intervarsity to twice a week at least. We continue practicing through the holiday and sometimes on Sundays, so if you cannot make these times, then you need to reconsider doing the formation.

Yes, you have to work harder at this than anything else dance-related you have ever done. Yes, your feet are going to hurt. Yes, you are ocassionally going to feel very lost. But you get to partake in an extremely rewarding dance routine, getting to know a team of other dancers and doing something different every Tuesday night. You also get to wear a shiny new outfit. Formation is really good fun; you are going to laugh more than any other time in your life.
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