Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A night to look forward to

On the 17 September 2011, UCT Ballroom and Latin Dancing Society will be hosting their annual formal. This year the theme is "A Night in India" and it is going to be BEAUTIFUL!

To get you into the mood, we thought we would show you a few of the outfits which you can put together for the evening. So, put on some incense and get a load of these:

- The Sari -

A long piece of material pleated and tucked into an underskirt, with the remaining material thrown over the shoulder. Worn with a top or blouse underneath. The material is normally 6 metres in length and can be any fabric you choose.

- The Punjab -

A two piece ensemble of top and pants, worn in different styles, normally with a long scarf. The top comes down past the thighs, sometimes to knee or calf length.

- The Sharara -

A skirt and top, normally worn with a long scarf. The skirt can be either loose and flowing, or fitted at the top and loose at the bottom.

- Other ideas for ladies... -

A long, flowing dress can be complemented by a scarf, dangling earings and beaded jewellery. Beaded jewellery in the hair is also popular.

- The Dhoti Kurta -

Pants, worn with a long over top, or jacket, normally complemented by a long scarf. A turban can also be worn with the outfit.

- Other Ideas for men... -

A normal suit can be worn with a long scarf or turban to create the Indian feel.

Mehndi (Henna) is a popular form of temporary tattoo (body-art) with women in India since the medieval ages. It is an integral part of beautification and is generally used to decorate hands, arms, legs and feet for any occasion, especially for big celebrations like weddings…Today it is considered a romantic and exotic art form for women as well as men all over the world.

Bhanoo of Art of Mehndi is available to decorate you
appropriately for our Indian formal, to arrange / book call Bhanoo on 082-637-4000 or email

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