After a very successful 2011 'black and white' season we have now moved on to...'polka dots'! That's right, darling, polka dots are all the rage this season and here's an idea on how to wear them and look absolutely fa-bu-lous! <claps hands while jumping up and down>. If you find yourself staring into your wardrobe, shaking your head and saying to yourself "I have NOTHING to wear!" then never fear - your friendly fashionista is here to help you every step of the what-the-heck-do-I-wear-for-Medal-Tests way!
First things first...
Bernie and Richard are rocking the 'Black and White' look |
The oh-so-stylish men's black Ballroom shoes (the ones with the flatter heels - you don't need Latin shoes just yet) are the way to go, guys. Of course, they're not an absolute must-have but they would make your fabulosity on the dance floor that much easier to achieve. Sensible plain black shoes will do just as well. Either way, make sure that you don these bad boys with a pair of black socks - the Michael Jackson look is so last season.
Latin shoes are so hot right now and there are so many choices - spider-toe, open-toe, closed-toe, t-bar, single-strap, crossed-strap, ankle-strap, leather, satin, black, beige, silver, gold, 2 inch heel, 2,5 inch heel, flared heel, straight heel....Not a must-have...but they're soooooo perdy <eyes glisten> and they make your dancing look shazam by helping you to glide around the floor. If you choose the sensible non-dancing shoes option make sure that they are just that, sensible. A good way to test the sensibility of a pair of non-dancing shoes is to dance in them on a wooden floor - make sure that they stay on your foot, don't cause you to slip and that they allow you to go up onto your toes in the Ballroom dances. They can be any colour as long as they are plain and don't sparkle. Don't wear heels higher than 2,5 inches...unless you enjoy living on the edge...
Andrew and Morag predict this year's in thing - POLKA DOTS! |
Your fashion choices have been made for you - the only items in this season are:
- Black trousers
- Black shoes and black socks
- White shirt/black shirt (long sleeved). Your shirt must be tucked into your trousers.
- Optional black/white waistcoat
- A tie/bowtie - black/white/POLKA DOT/in a matching colour to your partner's dress
- A plain black belt may be worn - no big shiny buckles
- Sadly no jewellery (including watches) or make-up...Keep your Marolyn Manson/Kiss look for another day.
The only must-wear this season is something that makes you like like a lady - i.e. a top and skirt/dress. The style/colour is up to you as long as you adhere to these helpful fashion do's and don' one wants to witness a fashion faux-pas on the dance floor!
Bryce and Lani in a touch of blue
Photos: Nick Heins |
- Wear a skirt/dress that has a straight hem and is about knee length - jagged hems are a no-no as is flashing the audience
- To avoid flashing the audience, hot pants in the same colour as your dress (or black), are recommended. No matter how little you think your skirt flares up when you spin, take my advice - wear hot pants!
- While patterns are usually discouraged (anything that is going to make the audiences eyes dance - the only thing dancing in their eyes should be you!), but polka dots are permitted for this year's Medal Tests and very much encouraged for the Medal Test social. Colours are up to you! If you wear a skirt and top, they don't have to be the same colour, but colours that compliment each other are advised.
- Sparkles are out! The only thing that shines at UCT Ballroom and Latin Dancing Society is your dancing and your certificate! Your outfit should make you look neat and dancerish without any sequins, diamantes, glitter or Christmas tree ornaments.
- Straps...wear them...please....I beg you! Jiving in a strapless dress is highly dangerous and it will not gain you more marks from the judges. Spaghetti straps, halter necks, racer-backs or any other strap variation is permitted as long as the straps are secure and avoid any possibility of, dare I say it, boobage...Ensure that your brassiere is hidden, your neckline is jiveable, not too low cut and that there is some fabric covering the majority of your back too.
- Tights can be worn - skin colour is preferable.
- No jewellery (only small stud earrings are allowed) and basic make-up -
lipstick, blush, eyeliner etc.
Hair must be neat and tied up if it touches the shoulders. No sparkles are allowed in any shape or form. Ladies, buns are advised as if your ponytail is particularly long, it may slap your partner in the face when you spin.
You are more than welcome to seek fashion advice from a committee member and run your Medal Tests outfit by us. We can also help you out if you need to borrow a skirt (girls only please).
Much love,
Your Friendly Dancing Fashionista