Darlings! <kisses cheeks> So fabulous to see you all again! What's that? You don't know what to wear for Intervarsity?! Your friendly blogging fashionista is back to make sure that you look dashing on the dance floor!
Just follow these 10 easy steps!
step 1:
Alan and Anique in red and white |
Have neat hair that is tied up if it is long. Hair should not be in your face or obscuring your vision. Girls with rather long hair - be kind to your partners and do your hair up in a bun (the ponytail whip is quite disconcerting). Gel is your friend and so is hairspray.
step 2:
Keep the make-up to a minimum. Absolutely no make up for men (sorry). Ladies may have base that is close to your natural shade, blusher, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick (that is not too bright) and almost-invisible eyeshadow (black and other dark colours are out). Your make-up should not be visible when you're on the dance floor. No fake eyelashes. No glitter or sparkles of any sort. No stage make-up or face paint.
Lucy and Bertus in matching blue |
step 3:
Ballroom and Latin Dancing require that each couple consists of one gentleman and one lady. For this purpose, gentlemen must wear black trousers and ladies must wear a skirt or a dress (no shorts or long pants). This is rather sexist. But that's the way it is.
step 4:
Footwear should be sensible and danceable. Better yet, wear dancing shoes. Gents should have simple men's lace-up Ballroom shoes with suede soles and a lower heel (not men's Latin shoes...unless you're dancing at a higher level in the Latin section). Ladies should have 2-2.5 inch Latin shoes - these can be open or closed-toe, any design or colour provided that they don't have sequins on them and that they have suede soles. If you don't own dancing shoes, plain black formal lace-ups will do for the guys (no sports shoes) and pumps or heels that are well secured will work for the ladies.
step 5:
Dane and Odette take the floor in elegant green |
Colour is your friend. Not for gents - black and white are your friends. Guys, your options are: long sleeved black or white shirt for Latin, long sleeved white shirt for Ballroom (which remains neatly tucked into your trousers at all times), black tie/bowtie or a tie in a solid colour (for Latin) that matches your partner's dress (or no tie/bowtie for Latin), black formal pants (no denim!) and black shoes with black socks (MJ has passed and so has his white-socks-black-shoes look). Simple cufflinks and black cummerbunds are optional. Ladies on the other hand may wear whatever colour (except for flesh-it's a hideous colour and you'll look like you're not wearing anything...nuff said!), as long as it is a solid colour with no embellishments.
Tebo in the white-shirt-black-tie Ballroom look |
step 6:
Less is more...design-wise that is. Gents: Plain shirt, plain pants, plain tie/bowtie, plain socks, plain shoes, plain black belt...it's quite simple to look dashing - plain is the plan. No pattern, sparkles, diamante, sequins or over the top decorations for gents or ladies. Ladies, wear a plain dress in a solid colour or a plain skirt in a solid colour and a
plain top in a different solid colour. No stripes or polka dots (those are so
last Medal Tests season).
step 7:
Do: Wear clothes (and underwear). This is non-negotiable (and should not be visible).
Don't: Have more skin showing than necessary. Ladies, if your rear
end is visible (however bootylicious it may be), you will be
disqualified. And by that I mean, for the love of dancing,
please wear
hotpants! It doesn't matter how little you believe your dress will flare
when you spin, wear hotpants! Hotpants should either be black or match your dress/skirt. The fashionista has spoken. Dresses like to flare especially when you're not wearing appropriate underwear (they're temperamental like that). The same goes for the chest area - keep those puppies indoors. By that I mean, for the love of jiving,
wear a secure brassiere and a top/dress that doesn't cause you to fall out. This will not gain you more points with the judges (public indecency is a crime) and it might distract your partner ;)
Dom and Lani sokkieing in black and white |
step 8:
Show off your lovely legs! (Ladies only) If you're feeling suitably tanned this winter (please don't go and get an orange spray tan...elgh!), go for the bear leg look and show off those shapely pegs, alternatively, if you're a pale princess, you can opt for sheer tights in a shade or two darker than your natural skin tone. Black tights are also an option as are little white socks, but stripper fishnet stockings are out. Your hemline should be just above the knee for Latin and on or just below the knee for ballroom. Your dress/skirt must have a straight hem (no jagged edges, points etc.) and you need to be able to stretch in it (it should have some flare and be made of a heavy stretchy material).
step 9:
Diamonds are a girl's most distracting friend. If I've said it once, I've said it quite a few times...No sparkles! No diamante! No Swarovski Crystals! No sequins! No glitter! Not on your outfit, your face, in your hair around your neck, ankle or wrist. That means, no jewellery (except for simple, non-sparkly stud earrings - no chandeliers or pincushions please)
Nick and Wendy boogie with a smile and a dash of orange! |
step 10:
"You're never fully dressed without a smile!" Just like the song says, your outfit won't be complete unless you remember to flash those pearly whites and look like you're having fun!
If you follow these 10 easy steps, you will be well on your way to owning that Intervarsity dance floor!
Feel free to ask a comm member for dancing fashion advice: bring us your outfits for our expert dancewear opinions.
Photos: Arran Graham