This year I have come to the conclusion that the UCT Ballroom and Latin Dancing Society is having an amazing year. Our dancers are unbelievably talented, the beginners have been eager and the socials have been heaps of fun.
Saturday night was no exception. Although everyone had to go all the way to the Neelsie in Stellenbosch, come whatever may, UCT came out in full force. Not only did we have amazing numbers of people; but everyone looked extraordinarily beautiful, sophisticated and daring. The boys looked hot, the girls looked sexy and we hit that dance floor like confetti at a wedding. We sparkled and smiled, danced our hearts out and made the committee feel incredibly proud.

I saw a gleam in everyone’s eyes as UCT checked out fellow Stellenbosch dancers. Bridges were crossed and many UCT/Stellenbosch couples formed for a waltz or two. We even showed off our talents when the sokkie dances came on. The atmosphere in the Neelsie was really friendly and happy and I want to thank everyone who attended for being good to our neighbours. (Neigh-bours, get it?).

I want to thank Bryce, Lani, Bernie and Max for transforming a very dull hall into a stylish space. Although the horses looked a bit more like donkeys than racing machines, I only have myself to blame. Everything else looked amazing, the food was good and drinks kept flowing.

I also want to thank Stellenbosch for hosting the event, for helping out with the decorations and for providing the food. We hope to make this an annual tradition, so expect more inter-varsity socials in the future.
Stellenbosch, we will soon be back, don’t you worry. Except, this time, we will be a little more serious, demonstrating our talents to the dance floor at Intervarsity. See you in August.