Tuesday, February 16, 2010

UCT Monday Paper

The Ballroom Dancing Society made it into the Monday Paper for its demo on Jameson Plaza during Oweek. Great free advertising :)

Don't forget the Icebreaker on Saturday afternoon. Be prepared for fun and games.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Classes start

Classes started with the usual mayhem today. Beginners was packed with keen new dancers eager to try this thing called ballroom. Beginners were ably lead through the UCT line dance, foxtrot and boogie by Maureen and Iliana. Spot the helpful committee members in purple.

Intermediates were dusting of the cobwebs from their dancing shoes and learnt the chase and three chachas. Some waltz and quickstep added a little ballroom flavour.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Its a Madhouse

Ballroom is a madhouse, so why not celebrate this fact with a social. Returning members dressed to theme for re-admittance to the Asylum this year. Straitjackets, labcoats and medical bracelets are in this season.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Oweek comes to an end

Oweek has ended and we would like to thank all the volunteers that helped at the stall and on Medical campus. I hear we have a large number of sign-ups. Classes started on Tuesday night to get everyone back into the swing of things.

Tuesday night was Salsa and Intermediate. Intermediates went through the steps they remembered in the Waltz, Jive and Chacha.

Thursday saw the Advanced students get the shock treatment of Samba! Watch out dancers, Iliana means business this year :)

For the returning members, come shake off the cobwebs from the brain, dust off the shoes and join us for the social on Saturday night.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Oweek Day 1

Orientation week started grey and cold as the committee and volunteers set up the stall and watched the general chaos unfurl on Jameson Plaza. By mid-morning we were digging out the sunscreens and hats to combat the heat.

UCT Ballroom demo'ed over lunch (Chacha, Tango, Waltz, Jive, Foxtrot, Rumba, Salsa, Boogie) with 6 couples ranging in experience from beginners to bronze. We will be out in force again tomorrow dancing on the plaza.

Don't forget that classes start tomorrow night at 6pm with advanced salsa moves.

Think Later, Dance Now

O-week starts this morning with Think Later...Dance Now slogan. UCT Ballroom will be performing a demo at 13.30 on Jameson Plaza. Look out for the people in purple dancing their hearts out :)